Mechanical Design with MATLAB
Use MATLAB/Simulink for Mechanical Engineering Design and Analysis Applications
Program using MATLAB and Simulink for applications in engineering topics such as dynamics, vibrations, systems, control, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. In this course, students will learn about both textual and graphical programing, graphical presentation of computations, creation of functions to rapidly perform analysis processes and visualization.
Course Highlights:
- Dynamics and Vibration using as a single degree vibratory system as a case study
- Introduction to Control Systems with emphasis on designing PID Controller
- System identification
- Simulink and Systems Simulation
- Fluid Mechanics
- Heat Transfer
Course Benefits:
- Ability to create and manipulate variables and matrices
- Program and run scripts
- Use graphics tools to display data
- Manipulate imported data
- Graphical programing in Simulink
- Identify and simulation of dynamic systems
- Understand various ways to represent and manipulate dynamics systems
- Design control law for dynamics systems to meet time response requirements
- Apply the skills acquired to solve problems and visualize solutions to problems in various engineering fields
Software: Students should download the MATLAB and Simulink Student Suite software from MathWorks. Please note that there is a cost of $99 associate with this version.
Hardware: Students will be required to bring a laptop
Course Typically Offered: Online during Fall and Summer quarter
Prerequisites: Understanding of basic physics (i.e. motion of mass-spring system) and math (i.e. algebra) problems, MATLAB programming experience a plus but not necessary.
Next steps: Upon completion of this class, consider enrolling in other courses in the Mechanical Analysis and Design Certificate.
More information: Contact unexengr@ucsd.edu to learn more about Mechanical Analysis and Design and course offerings.