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CT: Drug Development Process


This keystone course examines the drug development process and history of clinical trials. Topics include sources of new drugs & devices; the process of discovery; how a discovery becomes a drug or device; the definition, phases, and purposes of both pharmacological and clinical development; the history of drug/device regulation and effects of historical events on regulatory oversight; investigative new drug applications; and premarket approval applications.

Course Information

3.00 units
Notes: Requirement for Professional Certificate in Clinical Trials Design and Management. Prerequisite for Science of Clinical Trials Design, and Human Subjects Protection and IRBs.

Course sessions

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Online Asynchronous.

This course is entirely web-based and to be completed asynchronously between the published course start and end dates. Synchronous attendance is NOT required.
You will have access to your online course on the published start date OR 1 business day after your enrollment is confirmed if you enroll on or after the published start date.


FDA Regulatory Affairs 3rd
by Mantus/ Pisano

ISBN / ASIN: 9781841849195

You may purchase textbooks via the UC San Diego Bookstore.



Refund deadline: one week after enrollment or start date of section, whichever is later.


No information available at this time.
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Instructor: Suzan Olson, PhD, MHS, RN

Suzan Olson, PhD, MHS, RN

Formative/Summative Usability/Human Factors Testing in Medical Device and Combination Products

Suzan Olson works with manufacturers to plan and execute human factors evaluations and clinical trials covering pediatrics and adults of combinations products and medical devices. She earned a doctorate in psychology and a master's in health administration from Wichita State University as well as a bachelor's in health administration from Ottowa University. She is also a registered nurse.

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