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Applied JavaScript I


Applied JavaScript

Unlock the potential of modern web development with our Front End Development with React course.

This course is designed to deepen your understanding of advanced JavaScript constructs such as native modules and object patterns, which are essential for creating robust single-page applications (SPAs) and progressive web apps (PWAs). Mastering these new features, especially those introduced in ES6 and beyond, is crucial for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces in today's digital landscape. A key component of the course includes practical experience with React JS, a leading JavaScript library, essential for building contemporary client-side applications. 
This course is perfect for web developers and software engineers who are eager to advance their skills. Whether students aim to transition from basic scripting to full-fledged application development or want to stay updated with the latest industry trends, this course provides the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to excel. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Create web applications with JavaScript Frameworks
  • Integrate data from a public API into a webpage
  • Implement asynchronous data exchanges with Ajax methods
  • Implement advanced frontend storage techniques
  • Write comments in the code that clearly annotates a script or a section in the code

Course Typically Offered: Online in Winter and Summer Quarters. Please see the Front End Development Certificate matrix for more details.

Prerequisite: Intro to JavaScript or basic knowledge of JavaScript.

Course Information

3.00 units

Course sessions


Section ID:


Class type:

Online Asynchronous.

This course is entirely web-based and to be completed asynchronously between the published course start and end dates. Synchronous attendance is NOT required.
You will have access to your online course on the published start date OR 1 business day after your enrollment is confirmed if you enroll on or after the published start date.


The Road to React 2023
by Wieruch, Robin

ISBN / ASIN: 9781720043997

You may purchase textbooks via the UC San Diego Bookstore.


  • No refunds after: 1/13/2025


No information available at this time.

Instructor: Kristian Secor, M.S., Ed.D. Educational Technology

Kristian Secor, M.S., Ed.D. Educational Technology

Developer, educator and author of web and mobile technologies.

Kristian Secor teaches Principle of User Experience, User Experience Design I, and User Interface Design for the User Experience (UX) Design certificate program. 

He has taught web design topics ranging from server-side programming to user experience for ten years, and has taught over 200 courses in seventeen topics. He has produced websites for diverse markets such as school districts and sports franchises. He received a master's degree in eMedia from Quinnipiac University and an Ed.D. in Instructional Leadership from Argosy University.


Full Bio