Applied Behavior Change Project
Applied Behavior Change Project
Students will work on an applied behavior change project or program under the supervision of one or more instructors. Potential projects include: conceiving and designing a plan for a real-world behavior change intervention; developing a plan to evaluate the success or impact of an intervention; or auditing a previous process and recommending modifications using the cumulative knowledge and skills developed during this certificate. This course aims to produce a resume-ready product that can be showcased and shared with an employer, organization, or professional association.
Learning Objectives:
- Be able to design a realistic and manageable pilot behavior change
- Be able to design and evaluation plan to capture the outcomes of the pilot project
- Understand how to formatively evaluate a project in order to make revisions
- Be able to design and gather feedback and evaluation data from project participants
- Know how to design data collection protocols (surveys, interviews, etc) to capture project impact
- Know how to analyze the success and process of the project to generate recommendations for improvement
Course Requirements:
Students who wish to enroll in this course, must have already completed and received a passing grade from the following two required courses:
- ENVR-40000: Conservation Psychology
- ENVR-40006: Behavior Change Strtegies for Sustainability
Course Information
Course sessions
Section ID:
Class type:
This course is entirely web-based and to be completed asynchronously between the published course start and end dates. Synchronous attendance is NOT required.
You will have access to your online course on the published start date OR 1 business day after your enrollment is confirmed if you enroll on or after the published start date.
All course materials are included unless otherwise stated.
- No refunds after: 4/14/2025
Jennifer Lynes Murray