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Home /  Courses And Programs / Work Team Concepts and Skills

Do you work in groups or teams in your workplace? Learn how to develop effective teams in the context of project management and how to implement communication and conversation strategies that help your team meet its project goals. Discover key factors that distinguish teams and shape team excellence, particularly communication and conversational dynamics. Study theories and models of individual and group conversational dynamics. Learn how to design powerful conversations to produce the results you want to achieve. Explore common team-related issues including: team charter and team contracts, trust, culture, and conflict resolution. You will also have the opportunity to practice diagnosing and dealing with a variety of group dynamics through a team project.

This course will provide 27 education hours. To receive Professional Development Units (PDU’s), submit your UCSD transcript to the Project Management Institute (PMI). 

Learning Formats

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Traditional in-person class meetings at one of our campus locations with access to our online learning portal, "Canvas." Classes typically meet one evening a week, so working professionals can attend without having to take time off from work. Schedules can vary, so be sure to check the schedule before enrolling. Click on the “In-class” section below to view location, dates, and times.



Live Online:
Fully online instructor-led training using live virtual class meetings via Zoom or Virbela conferencing systems. Click on the “Live Online” section below to view details of the online meeting times and instructor information.


Fully online Instructor-led training with no class meeting times. Lectures are pre-recorded and your instructor will set weekly deliverables to help you stay on track and engage with the content in a meaningful way. Click on the “Online” section below to view course details.

Note: Not all formats may be available every quarter.

Note: For questions about this course, please contact

Course Number: BUSA-40109
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Project Management

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