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SB 472 English Learner Professional Development


The 5-day training is intended to support teachers who have attended an initial SB 472 Institute focused on a specific state-adopted or state-aligned instructional program and its material. •provide teachers with foundational knowledge needed to assist English learning pupils to attain a high level of English language proficiency and mastery of the California mathematics and English/language arts and other academic content standards; •provide teachers instructional strategies to more fully implement the universal access components of the state-adopted/aligned program materials as well as differentiate instruction as needed with state-adopted or standards-aligned instructional programs; •help teachers of English learners understand and apply knowledge of linguistic structures to state-adopted or state aligned instructional program materials.

Course Information

4.00 units
Notes: This course is available for credit only for the participants who passed through the UCPDI SB 472 ELPD 40-hour Institute.

Course sessions

Please contact the Education department at 858-534-9286 or for information about this course and upcoming sections.