Want to be smart with your personal finances? This 4-week workshop will introduce you to the essentials of a financial plan and provide a roadmap to follow for your own financial planning process. Topics covered to include:
Financial life stages
Understanding your current financial situation
Setting your financial goals
Creating a cash flow and savings plan
Learning to build wealth
To-Debt or Not-to-Debt
Topics to be discussed may include the fundamentals of financial fitness, personal budgeting, emergency savings, wealth accumulation, and financial independence.
Handouts will be uploaded in Canvas. Time included for discussion.
Course Number: BUSA-80022
Credit: 0.00 unit(s)
There are no sections of this course currently scheduled. Please contact the Business, Professional & Legal Programs department at 858-534-8131 or unexbusa@ucsd.edu for information about when this course will be offered again.