The study, detection and identification of bacteria and mycobacteria of clinical significance using culture and isolation, direct and stained smears, biochemical, microscopic, molecular, and automated methods and techniques; determination of bacterial antibiotic susceptibility testing. Parasitology, Mycology and Virology: the study of clinically important parasites, fungi and viruses, and procedures employed in their detection and identification. Emphasis is placed on the correlation of clinical laboratory data with the patient’s diagnosis and treatment.
- Demonstrate accurate and precise skills in performance of microbiological tasks and procedures.
- Compare and contrast the theories and principles of various identification systems, including biochemical, microscopic, molecular and automated methods. For automated systems, include maintenance, quality control, troubleshooting.
- Determine acceptability of specimen source and site in regards to order requests, select appropriate media for isolation of organisms.
- Perform processing of patient samples and inoculation of media plates, streak for isolated colonies, and select appropriate incubation temperatures and conditions.
- Perform gram stains from direct clinical specimens and from isolated colonies using established quantifying criteria.
Note: Not available for open enrollment at any time. Only available as part of the by-application closed-cohort CLS training program.
Course Number: PATH-40014
Credit: 8.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Clinical Laboratory Scientist Training
There are no sections of this course currently scheduled. Please contact the Healthcare & Behavioral Sciences department at 858-534-9262 or for information about when this course will be offered again.