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Introduction to Visual Studio and .NET Framework

This course is an introduction to application development using Visual Studio and .NET Framework – development environment that empowers programmers more than any other in the marketplace. Visual Studio and .NET framework are used to create a variety of business and scientific systems. They support development of web applications, database systems, mobile apps as well as traditional desktop programs. Several programming languages are supported, and the software can target Windows operating system, Mac OS and Linux. In this course we discuss fundamental features that are common to different types of applications. First part of the course is dedicated to .NET Framework and discussed common language runtime and object-oriented programming, as well as a brief summary of C# language syntax. Second part reviews Visual Studio features such as code editor and other windows, build process, code analysis, unit testing framework.

Course Number: CSE-41334
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: C# Programming