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Home /  Courses And Programs / General Biology II with Lab

In General Biology II we will focus on the biological processes of plant and animal form and function as well as ecology.  Topics include evolution, organismal diversity, animal and plant structure and physiology.  This course is appropriate for students interested in a refresher biology class, professionals in other disciplines considering a career change to the biological sciences, biology majors and pre-health professionals. 
Skills you will learn:

  • Outline the plant vascular system
  • Analyze plant soil nutrition and responses to signals
  • Understand the nutrition and osmoregulation of animals
  • Summarize the animal circulatory, respiratory, immune systems
  • Understand the interactions of hormones relating to the endocrine system
  • Analyze the components of the nervous system including sensory and motor mechanisms
  • Outline animal behavior
  • Explain the concepts of population and community ecology
  • Analyze the biosphere and ecosystems
General Biology I is a required pre-requisite.
 Note on Lab:  This course include a hands on laboratory involving multi-day experiments that the student performs at home.  Except for a few household items, all the materials are included in the purchased kit from HOL Sciences. 

Link to order kit below.


Course Number: BIOL-40364
Credit: 6.00 unit(s)

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