Embedded Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)
Learn to write real-time event-driven applications
running under an embedded Real Time Operating System (RTOS). FreeRTOS is used as an example which will be examined at the C source code level. Practical applications running on an RTOS for embedded computers in event-driven systems are also described. This course is targeted for an embedded software engineer or scientist developing applications with hard real-time scheduling requirements. Course instruction and lab assignments are conducted using the C programming language. Therefore, a working level knowledge of C is required.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Differentiate between a real-time and logical time system
- Prioritize tasks in a real-time system using rate monotonic analysis
- Identify the differences between various scheduling algorithms such as table-driven and priority preemptive schedulers
- Construct single and multitask applications using a real time operating system
- Synchronize tasks created within the operating system using semaphores and mutexes
- Analyze real-rime application performance through the use of statistics
Course Typically Offered: Online in Fall and Spring quarters.
Prerequisites: Completion of ECE-40097 Embedded Controller Programming for Real-Time Systems or equivalent knowledge and experience.
Hardware: STM32 IOT Discovery Node 915MHZ - Mfg. Part # B-L475E-IOT01A. Part can be purchased from MOUSER Electronics or Digi-Key Electronics or any other reputable electronics dealer. This microcontroller is used in all four required courses in this program.
Next Step: Upon completion of this class, consider enrolling in other courses in the Embedded Systems Engineering certificate program.
Contact: For more information about this course, please email unexengr@ucsd.edu
Course Information
Course sessions
Section ID:
Class type:
This course is entirely web-based and to be completed asynchronously between the published course start and end dates. Synchronous attendance is NOT required.
You will have access to your online course on the published start date OR 1 business day after your enrollment is confirmed if you enroll on or after the published start date.
No textbook required.
Norman McEntire, M.S., MCSE
Founder, Servin Corporation
Norman McEntire founded Servin Corporation in 1995 to provide computer training, consulting, and software development with a focus on Android, iOS, Java, Embedded C, Linux, and Machine Learning. With 25+ years of experience, he has designed both hardware and software at all levels, from embedded Linux to enterprise software. His training clients include Dell, HP, IBM, Intel, NCR and Qualcomm.