Documentary Photography
9 weeks | $425 | Online
Documentary photography is a powerful tool for telling a story, making a point or giving voice to people who have none. In this course, you will learn to document what you see with your photographs. By examining the work of respected documentary photographers, you will explore the boundaries of objective reporting while developing an awareness your own biases. Your photographs may be about a place— the San Diego River Valley; a topic that interests you— eating locally produced food or an issue that defines our times. Instruction includes demonstrations of field practice and weekly critiques of project photographs as well as a final group exhibition.
Quarters Offered: Spring | Online
Course Fee: $425
Prerequisite: none
Materials/Software/Hardware: Fully adjustable DSLR camera or prosumer camera.
Note: Elective course for Photography: Images and Techniques professional certificate.
Contact: For more information about this course, please email
Course Number: ART-40507
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Photography: Images and Techniques
There are no sections of this course currently scheduled. Please contact the Arts, Humanities, Languages & Digital Arts department at 858-534-5760 or for information about when this course will be offered again.