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Differentiated Instruction


Building on prior coursework in Brain-Compatible Learning and Socio-emotional needs, this course provides candidates with an extensive and robust review of assessments, foundational theories and proven strategies designed to effectively teach diverse gifted and talented pupils. In this course, candidates will become steeped in the assessment process (pre-/formative/summative) and use these data to guide placement and differentiation of content; learning process; and product in a way that presents opportunities for depth, complexity and novelty. Special attention is paid to tiering and grouping in the mixed-ability classroom (by interest, ability and learning style) and instructional delivery that engage the gifted and talented pupil cognitively and affectively. Finally, candidates will acquire practical instructional strategies to work with gifted pupils, including direct instruction; iconic teaching; framing; content imperatives; universal themes; choice; curriculum compacting; anchor activities; contract learning; among others.

Course Information

1.50 units

Course sessions

Please contact the Education department at 858-534-9286 or for information about this course and upcoming sections.