This course provides a broad overview of the most important issues involved in tribal legal studies, including an overview of tribal government, the history of tribal court systems, legal structure of tribal courts, tribal court criminal and civil jurisdiction, roles in tribal court systems, due process, appellate courts, the Indian Civil Rights Act, Public Law 280, the Indian Child Welfare Act, NAGPRA, IGRA, and a specific focus on CA Tribal governments and Justice Systems. Students receive an introduction to the basic concepts of legal studies with emphasis within contemporary tribal legal issues. The course addresses tribal common law and traditional dispute resolution methods, including the examination of the incorporation of custom and tradition into the Tribal court system.
Course Number: LAW-40074
Credit: 4.50 unit(s)
There are no sections of this course currently scheduled. Please contact the Business, Professional & Legal Programs department at 858-534-8131 or for information about when this course will be offered again.