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Android Programming I


Fully updated for the latest Android and Android Studio version, this hands-on course is for software developers who need to quickly learn how to write Android applications for both phones and tablets. It begins by introducing the new Android Studio and SDK Tools. Learn the organization of an Android project, including Java source code and XML layout.

Gain knowledge on: 
  • How to use popular widgets such as text views, buttons, and lists
  • The key Android classes, including: Activity, Service, Broadcast Receiver, and Content Provider
  • How to access the network, use WebView, access web services, perform file I/O, use the camera, and more.
Prerequisite: Android Java Programming or similar experience

Course Information

3.00 units
Notes: Prerequisite: "Android Java Programming" or similar experience.

Course sessions

Please contact the Science & Technology department at 858-534-3229 or for information about this course and upcoming sections.