Android Java Fundamentals
Android Java Fundamentals
You will be introduced to environments and concepts towards learning how to write Android programs. The Android Java programming language features are covered in detail.
As the first course in the Android Programming Certificate you learn how to use Android Studio, the Android Emulator, and the Android Java programming language. Android Studio provides you with the IDE (Integrated Development Environment), while Android Java provides you with the programming language.
Course Highlights:
- Build a complete functional Android application and test it on a variety of virtual devices
- Learn Java classes and objects
- Learn Java arrays, arrayList, and generics
- Learn inheritance, method overriding, polymorphism, interfaces, and abstract classes
- And more...
Course Benefits:
- Apply Java fundamentals and object oriented techniques to develop Android Apps
- Use Android Studio to develop apps and run them on the Android Virtual Device (AVD)
- Navigate and use the Android Studio Layout Editor
- Build an Android Package file (APK) for the distribution and installation of mobile apps and middleware
- Create a GitHub repository for code version control
Course typically offered: Online, Fall and Spring quarters
Prerequisites: Java I Programming or equivalent knowledge
Course Information
3.00 units
prerequisite, Java I programming or equivalent knowledge.