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Python Programming

About the Python Programming Program

12 months
or 4 quarters
Includes only required courses and one elective. Certificate fee not included.

Practical Skills

The Python Programming Certificate at UCSD Extended Studies equips students with practical skills, including:

  • Data Analysis and Visualization: Gain proficiency in analyzing and visualizing data using Python libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib.
  • Automation: Learn to automate tasks, which is highly useful in various industries.
  • Software Development: Develop skills in object-oriented programming and debugging.
  • Web and API Integration: Understand how to work with APIs and build simple web applications.
  • Machine Learning and AI Fundamentals:Knowledge and skills in Python can be effectively applied to fields like machine learning and AI
These skills open career opportunities in data science, software engineering, AI, and more.

Who Will Benefit
  • Professionals that want to update their skill sets
  • Anyone interested in learning programming to enhance their career opportunities
  • Recent graduates building off of existing knowledge in computer engineering or computer science disciplines.

Key Program Topics

  • General programming concepts including variables, expressions, functions, branching, looping statements and data storage
  • Object-oriented programming, testing and test-driven development concepts
  • Best practices for working project environments, coding style and documentation
  • Working with the Python standard libraries and third-party packages
  • Selecting and working with Python web frameworks, including Flask, Django and Pyramid
  • Data Analytics using the popular and highly practical Python data analysis ecosystem
  • Python Unit Testing using both Python's built in unit test module and the Pytest module

Python Programming

Classroom type:
Live Online
Download Course List

Required Courses

All three courses are required.

Elective Courses

One Required

Course of Interest

Not required for Certificate

Frequently Asked Questions

The online courses are asynchronous: they have a start and end date but all the lessons are uploaded on Canvas, our online learning management system, so you can learn at your own pace. However, please be aware that you may have weekly assignments, quizzes, or tests that are due on specific dates.
STEP 1: If you have a My Extension student account, skip to Step 2. If you do not have a My Extension account, go to, click "Create an account" on the right side of the page, and follow the instructions to create an account. Once you have a My Extension account, continue to Step 2.

STEP 2:  Click on the "Apply Now" button on the certificate page. Complete the required fields on the application. Then click the "Save" button. Once you have saved the application, the "Submit" button will appear. Click on the "Submit" button to submit your application for review and consideration. Once submitted, your application cannot be changed. You can track the progress of your application at My Extension. 
To enroll into a class, click on the class link in the matrix and that will take you to that class page. There you can find the start date for that course, and you can click on “Add to Cart” which will lead you to complete the registration/payment process.
When you have paid your certificate fee and successfully completed all program requirements, you will need to request an audit by Student Services. To request an audit:
  • In your My Extension account, click on “My Courses.”
  • On the right side of the page under “My Certificates,” click on the name of the certificate.
  • On the right side of the page under “Tools,” click on “Request Certificate Audit.”
  • Complete and submit the form that appears.
Once you have formally submitted your audit request, your certificate will be mailed to the address we have on file for you within ten business days.
Each student has their own learning style so this can vary greatly. As a rule of thumb, expect to spend an average of two hours studying for every hour you spend in-class. For online courses, students should plan to spend approximately 8-10 hours per week viewing lectures and completing coursework.
Once the course is completed, the instructor has 10 business days to submit your grades. Once grades have been posted, you can view and print them from your MyExtension account.
Yes! This program is designed for you to take it online in the convenience of your own home or office. We are currently using Canvas as our online Learning Management System for all our online courses in this program. While students do not get access to their respective courses until the first day of the course, we encourage students who are new to Canvas to click on the following link to Canvas and Take the free tour of Canvas.
Yes, you may take any course in this program without registering for the certificate.
Yes, you may enroll in the program at any time. However, it is recommended that you enroll as soon as possible. The program curriculum may be updated at any time; if certificate requirements change, you must adhere to the curriculum at the time of your enrollment into the certificate. Enrolling in the certificate also gives you access to quarterly, personalized enrollment reminders from the program manager.
You may take a course for one of three options: Letter Grade, Pass/No Pass, or Not for Credit. If you are taking a course towards a certificate you must complete your courses for credit (i.e. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade) and receive a C-/Pass or higher grade. Grades below a C-, No Pass, and Not for Credit will not count towards certificate requirements.
Please contact Student Services at (858) 534-3400 or if you experience any issues logging in to any of our systems.
The courses in this program are post-baccalaureate, professional-level, credit bearing courses. Credit earned in these courses may lead to the award of a formal certificate by UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies or may be applied toward an academic degree or professional credential, subject to the approval of the receiving institution.

If you wish to transfer credit, it is your responsibility to confer with the receiving institution before enrolling, as each individual academic institution decides whether or not to accept Extension’s credits.
Our classes post to our website and become open for enrollment approximately two months prior to the new quarter starting. If you’d like to get an email reminder you can sign up for our newsletter(s) in My Extension, under the “Preferences” tab.
Enrollment in a course may be closed for one or more of the following reasons:
  • The course is at capacity. If the course is at capacity you will only be able to join the waitlist. If space becomes available in the course, students on the waitlist are contacted in the order they joined the waitlist.
  • The course has progressed to a point where students will no longer be able to make-up missed work and be successful in the course.
  • The course is cancelled due to low enrollments.
For all three of these reasons we recommend students enroll early in the courses they are interested in.
Please visit the course page on our website to see when courses are typically offered. You can also see a full program schedule by clicking on the “View Schedule” button under the “Courses” section on this page.
The refund deadline for courses in this program is typically 3 days after the start of the course. This allows you to enroll in a course and participate in the first class meeting to determine if the course is a good fit. Then, if needed, either you may either transfer your enrollment to a different course or submit a drop request by emailing Student Services at The exact refund deadline for each section is listed in the section notes on the course page in our website, and you can also find it in My Extension by clicking on “My Courses” and then the name of the course.
We recommend enrolling as soon as possible, as occasionally classes will reach capacity.
If you have enrolled at least three days before the course begins, you will have access starting on the first day of class. You should receive an email from Student Services with instructions for how to login to the course. If you have enrolled on or after the start date of the course, you will have access to the course within one business day.

You will have access to the online Canvas course on the official start date of the class/exam/info session.  Access will be available at 12:01am Pacific Time.

Enrollment to online classes can take up to 24 hours to process and sync up to our online platform, Canvas. For example, if a class started on Tuesday and that is the day a student enrolled, they will likely not have full access to the class until 24 hours later on Wednesday.

Advisory Board

Diane Chen

Independant Consutant; Instructor

Michael Galarnyk

Data Scientist

Nadia Polikarpova, PhD

Assistant Professor
UC San Diego

Duane Wesley

CSE Department Chair
Mesa College

Victor Wintriss

Founder and Board Member
League of Amazing Programmers

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