Jagadeesh Vasudevamurthy

Jagadeesh Vasudevamurthy, Ph.D., is a principal software engineer at AMD formerly Xilinx (now AMD) with more than 30 years of experience in electronic design automation. Jagadeesh has worked on the design and development of commercial EDA tools at Cadence, Xilinx Vivado, Synplicity, and Mentor Graphics.Dr. Vasudevamurthy received his BS in Electronics and Communication first class with distinction from National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, India. Jagadeesh holds an MS in Computer Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. Dr. Vasudevamurthy earned his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Dr. Vasudevamurthy’s Ph.D. thesis received an IEEE transaction on CAD best paper award and was published as The Best of ICCAD: 20 Years of Excellence in Computer-Aided Design. His Ph.D. thesis is used as a fundamental decomposition and factorization algorithms in all the commercial and academic logic synthesis systems. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM.