Luis Socconini

Luis is a Lean Six Sigma Institute Founder and a certified Master Black Belt. He is the author of Five S´s in Action, Lean Manufacturing Step by Step, Lean Company, and co-author of Lean Management System and Lean Energy.
Luis loves working with students, managers, and Lean Six Sigma professionals worldwide, and helping to find solutions for complex problems. He has spent the last 27 years training and coaching process improvement projects in industries such as manufacturing, services, healthcare, construction, restaurants, and government.
Professional Summary:
Luis started his Six Sigma Journey while working at Wharton Business School, helping small companies from Philadelphia to improve their productivity. His experience spans the globe, having worked at Grolsh Brewery in The Netherlands, as well as a process and manufacturing engineer at IBM Mexico.
During the last 25 years he has trained over 10,000 people from diverse industries and Universities, as well as mentored 500+ projects with savings of more than 50 million.
· Author of multiple books and training manuals
· Lean Six Sigma Institute Master Black Belt
· Certified Master Black Belt
· Master’s degree in Productivity and Quality - Monterrey Tech
· BA in Industrial Engineering - Monterrey Tech
· Certified Strategic Management - Stanford University
· Certified Product Innovation – Harvard University
· Certified Industry 4.0 - MIT