Brian Grattidge

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Brian Grattidge is an environmental land use planner with 20 years' experience. As a consultant, Mr. Grattidge has worked extensively in the areas of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) compliance as a senior project manager. His project experience includes a wide range of residential, commercial, industrial, mining, and infrastructure projects. He has assisted clients with airport compatibility planning, development review, environmental permitting, specialized planning studies, and project management. Prior to his consulting work, Mr. Grattidge was a member of the Governor's Office of Planning and Research, where he prepared the 2003 update of the General Plan Guidelines, assisted with the 2003 CEQA Guideline Amendments, contributed to the 2003 draft Environmental Goals and Policy Report, provided CEQA support and technical training, and coordinated state review of environmental documents. Prior to his appointment to the Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Mr. Grattidge was a planner at the City of Woodland.