Jennifer French
Dr. Jenny French is an educator and leader with a career spanning various facets of education, with her journey in literacy beginning as an elementary classroom teacher and middle school language arts teacher.Dr. French held roles including secondary literacy coach, university associate professor, curriculum director, and assistant superintendent of schools. Each step of the journey marks a contribution to the field, shaping educational practices, curriculum development, and policy implementation. Her personal journey of having a son with dyslexia drove her participation as a previous board member for the International Dyslexia Association and grew a passion for helping students with dyslexia to find their college and career path.
Her expansive career also includes a notable publication, "Help! My Students Write Like They Text," shedding light on contemporary communication challenges in the classroom. As a sought-after school improvement consultant, she continues to share her wealth of experience, culminating in the groundbreaking creation, ThinkCERCA's Foundational Reading & Linguistics program, which addresses the unique needs of struggling adolescent readers, transforming lives through enhanced reading and linguistic skills.