Areana Chen
Areana Chen is a native of China with over 31 years of experience teaching Chinese language and culture to non-heritage students of all ages at different institutions, both in USA and Canada. Areana earned her MD in China and MSc in Canada. She’s been teaching at SDSU and UCSD for over ten years. In addition to her teaching experience, Areana is also a professional translator and interpreter who works for CDE (California Department of Education), CABE (California Association for Bilingual Education), SDCOE (San Diego County of Education), and SBSD school district. She is also a reviewer for one of the most popular Chinese series textbooks “Zhen Bang”. Areana develops her curriculum and teaching plan with the goal of students’ learning and advancement. She ensures learners will understand that in an era of global community, learning about the language and culture of those who are different than us is essential.At UCSD extended studies she teaches Cantonese for Communication I and Cantonese for Communication II. Cantonese Chinese is the third largest spoken language in China and over 85.5 million people speak Cantonese worldwide. Areana wishes that more people would have the opportunity to explore Cantonese language and culture.