Greta Blash
Greta Blash has over 20 years of business analysis consulting and management experience for world-class organizations. Her professional career has taken her from a programmer, systems analyst, project manager and now to a business analyst/project manager, even though she prefers the title of Engagement Manager. She has utilized her experience to teach, coach and mentor new practitioners in the business analysis profession. Her main emphasis is to ensure that the voice of the customer is understood and delivered as a result of any analysis effort.Greta has developed business analysis courses including Basics of Good Business Analysis, Information Modeling, Data Modeling, and Integrated Process and Data Modeling Techniques. She has taught the PMI-PBA certification prep course since early 2015 with a pass rate of over 90%. She has also published many articles and blogs on these subjects and has been a contributing editor for AllPM.com as well as BAtimes.com and Projecttimes.com. Her strong knowledge and experience in the combined usages of various analysis techniques allows her to help teach and coach organizations on how these techniques can be appropriately applied to requirements elicitation and management activities.
She was selected to be part of the pilot team for the PMI-PBA certification, as well as a PMI recognized SME for the Requirements Management Standards document, The PMI Guide to Business Analysis, and the soon-to-be-released Benefits Realization Practice Guide. She was also part of the review team for the new 6th edition of the PMBOK® Guide and the Standard for Program Management specifically to review the business analysis components that were added.
She has presented “The Role of the BA and PM on a Project” to many PMI chapters as well as to the 2015 PMI Global Congress in Orlando and the BBC Conference in San Antonio in 2018 and believes strongly in the joint working of the project manager and the business analysts on project efforts to meet expectations and achieve successful results.