Kelly Bennett MFA
Instructor and professional graphic designer and operates an online portfolio group
Kelly Bennett teaches Introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Illustrator, Design I: Type and Symbol, Adobe In Design, and Branding & Storytelling Using Content Creation for the Content Marketing certificate programs.
Kelly earned her MFA in Graphic Design with a concentration in Typography from Miami International University of Art & Design. She has over 10 years of professional experience in graphic design and interactive media, having worked on campaigns both nationally and internationally. Her range of clients span from local surf shops to the Sony corporation. Sharing her love of design has always been at the heart of Kelly’s career, she has taught graphic design for over 13 years for the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Digital Media Arts College, and Broward College. A lifelong supporter of making education inclusive and accessible to all, she manages a non-profit online portfolio group aimed at keeping students involved in the design industry.
"Ideas are indestructible. Experimental typography, in a sense is a conscious failure with the hope that something beautiful and new will be born. Without experimentation, there is no progression."- Kelly Bennett