Michael Lynch MAEd
Award winning Graphic Designer, Senior Design Instructor with the Art Institute since 1997.

Michael Lynch teaches Design History and Context for the Communication Design certificate program. Michael is an award-winning graphic designer who holds a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and a Master of Arts in Education. He has over 19 years of experience as a full-time post secondary instructor. He has taught many courses in image manipulation, typography, concept design, art direction, marker rendering, message making and many more.
Since 1993, Lynch has owned a successful design consultancy, LynchGrafx. Over the course of his career he has created several hundred book covers for a wide variety of clients including Wilt Chamberlain, Jessie Jackson Jr., McGraw-Hill Scholastic Books, the L.A. Dodgers and many more. Lynch has also designed several Publishing House catalogs, product label designs, print and broadcast advertising, corporate identities, point-of-purchase displays and much more.
In addition to receiving various design awards throughout his career, one of the highest professional honor he received was the San Diego Leadership Award given to him by the ABC local affiliate. He was also honored with a proclamation from the County of San Diego. Both honors were given to Lynch for his creation of a highly effective anti-gang violence campaign.