Judith E McQueen

Judi McQueen has worked in different types of healthcare as a social worker and case manager for over 25 years, both in the acute care and skilled nursing settings. She is currently working as a Social Work Case Manager at Sharp Memorial Hospital on the trauma unit, coordinating care and facilitating discharge planning for trauma and neurological patients. Over the years, she has helped patients and families deal with a multitude of different healthcare related problems such has physical disability, drug and alcohol abuse and treatment, mental health issues, access to healthcare for immigrants, homelessness, poverty, and aging along with the health and social conditions that accompany the geriatric population. She is active in the self-governance council at Sharp Memorial Hospital and is passionate about education and process improvement in the case management and social work areas of healthcare. She holds a Masters of Social Work Degree from San Diego State University, is a LCSW, and is certified in Case Management, both through the American Case Management Association (ACMA) and the Case Management Association of America (CMSA). She is a past member of the Board of Directors for the ACMA Southern California and coordinated their education offerings throughout the year.