James C.S. Meng, Ph.D., MSM is a currently a senior fellow at UC San Diego – Super Computer Center and a visiting scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management. Dr. Meng held various positions with the federal government’s senior executive service from June 1998 until June 2015 when he retired as deputy assistance secretary of the Navy, Business Enterprise Solutions. Dr. Meng has a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Taiwan University, an M.S. in engineering physics from UC Berkley, an M.S. in management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management and a Ph.D. in aeronautical engineering from UC Berkley.
Dr. Meng is an established author with numerous articles published in various journals including the Journal of Fluid Mechanic, Journal of Applied Optics and Journal of Computational Physics. He has published technical reports on laser doppler velocimetry, superconducting electromagnetic thruster (SCEMT ), electric propulsion technology, experimental studies of turbulence reduction, simulations of hydrodynamics wake in oceanic environment, theoretical analysis of internet waves, and hypersonic reentry vehicle dynamics. In addition, Dr. Meng has obtained six patents in SCEMT, elecomagnetohydrodynamic boundary layer control and acoustic remote cavitation.