Elmira Stamkulova has twenty years of corporate governance, risk management and internal auditing experience. She worked for 14 years for public accounting firms. Elmira was a Director of Risk Assurance practice in PwC Eurasia delivering internal audit, internal controls, governance, and risk management projects. She also worked as an in-house internal auditor and was a senior internal audit professional in several public companies. Her latest role in the industry are Vice President of Internal Audit at Axos Bank and Senior Manager Internal Audit at Sorrento Therapeutics.
Elmira takes an active role in the development of internal audit profession. She is involved in the activities of the Institute of Internal Auditors at the global level and with the San Diego chapter. Elmira is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and a Certified Corporate Governance Professional (CCGP).