17 September 2019
Top 5 Reasons to Go Back to School
By Stephanie Stevens
If you’ve been thinking about going back to school, there’s no better time than now. Growth in technology and innovation means organizations are continually evolving along with a number of the careers we’ve invested in over the decades.
Josh Shapiro, Assistant Dean of Innovation and Research Affairs at UC San Diego Extension, notes, “We live in the era of skill, reskill and reskill again. To stay competitive in the modern workforce, lifelong learning has become imperative. In response, there are ever-increasing educational opportunities for non-degree and non-traditional students to create personalized career pathways that meet the student where they are and help elevate their professional journey.”
If you need convincing, here are five of the best reasons we’ve found for going back to school.
1. Career advancement & job security
Gaining new skills or techniques in your field can help you move ahead at work or in securing a new position. Additional training highlights your professional value and demonstrates that you’re actively engaged in continuing to do your job well. (Pew Research)
2. Better pay
Yearly reviews often include goals such as increasing your abilities or skillset in a particular area of expertise. And more often than not, an increase in your level of education and training equates to a bump in pay or position. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
3. Changing careers
To demonstrate that you’re ready for the shift to a new career, it’s essential to show that you’ve acquired the knowledge and skills vital for success. A structured program can offer proof of expertise to prospective employers. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
4. Networking opportunities
How often do you have the chance to spend time with a group of people with similar interests and goals in a relaxed and open atmosphere? Going back to school expands your professional network and your chances of getting a job. (LinkedIn Pulse)
5. Develop confidence
We all know about “imposter syndrome” — that horrible feeling that your success is undeserved or has not been legitimately achieved because of your lack of skill or effort. Confidence comes from preparation. Brushing up on your skills will go a long way to easing that anxious feeling. (Age of Awareness)
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