Optimization Analysis for Engineers
Optimization Analysis for Engineers
Optimization provides an elegant blend of theory and applications. The theory uses elements beginning with elementary calculus and basic linear algebra and continues with functional and convex analysis. Optimization is a problem associated with the best decisions that are effective and efficient whether it is worth maximum or minimum by way of determining a satisfactory solution. Applications of optimization involve science, engineering, economics, and industry. The wide and growing use of optimization makes it essential for students and practitioners in every branch of science and technology.
This course will introduce methods of optimization along with numerous applications in engineering. The goal is to maintain a balance between theory, numerical computation, and problem setup for solution by optimization software and applications to engineering systems.
Course Highlights:
- Linear programming
- Graphical and simplex method
- Non-linear optimization
- One-Dimensional search methods
- Unconstrained and constrained optimization methods
- Multi-objective optimization
- Optimization using Excel, LINGO and MATLAB
Course Benefits:
- Solve various optimization problems
- Use computer programs to solve optimization problems
- Translate practical decision problems into quantitative models
- Analyze the properties of decision models
- Apply appropriate algorithms for finding solutions to decision models
- Utilize science and engineering fundamentals for optimization analysis
Course typically offered: Online every quarter
Prerequisites: Calculus I and Calculus II or equivalent knowledge
Next Steps: Upon completion, consider additional coursework in engineering or related subjects
Contact: Please email us at infotech@ucsd.edu if you have any questions