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Oil Painting II


10 weeks | In-Class

Geared toward the intermediate painting student, Oil Painting II expands on the ideas and topics presented in the beginning oil painting course. A series of exercises encourages students to investigate materials, surface treatments, color mixing, composition, spatial concepts, and symbolic, expressive, and descriptive forms of representation. Students will have the opportunity to enhance their technical, analytical, and perceptual skills while focusing on exploration and personal development in order to discover a sense of artistic identity.

Quarters Offered: Summer | In-Class
Course Fee: $325
Course Length: 10 weeks
Prerequisite: Oil Painting I (ART-40002)
Note: Bring paper and pencil to first class meeting. Elective course for Art and the Creative Process professional certificate.

Course Information

3.00 units

Course sessions

Please contact the Arts, Humanities, Languages & Digital Arts department at 858-534-5760 or for information about this course and upcoming sections.