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Oil Painting I
10 Weeks | $325 | In-Class

Develop your paint handling skills and enhance your perceptual abilities in Oil Painting I. This class is designed for beginners as well as anyone looking to gain more practice.  You will be encouraged to develop a basic understanding of methods, materials, and terminology related to oil painting. We will cover principles related to: Color mixing, light logic, volume and space, and the use of grounds, as well as transparent and opaque painting techniques. Emphasis in this class will be on painting from observation. Critiques are a vital part of the learning process and all members of the class are expected to attend and participate. Each meeting focuses on the development of basic skills while encouraging individual expression. Instructor-led painting demonstrations and a series of in-class exercises will be followed by discussions of some of the intellectual factors involved in both traditional and non-traditional art making. You will acquire a solid foundation in oil painting technique upon completion of this course!

What You Will Learn:

  • Master principles related to: Color mixing, light logic, volume and space, and the use of grounds.
  • How to apply transparent and opaque oil painting techniques.
  • A basic understanding of methods, materials, and terminology related to oil painting.

Quarters Offered: Fall | In-Class
Course Fee: $325
Prerequisite: Drawing I: Focus on Perception (ART-40166) or equivalent experience. 
Materials: Please see PDF attachment on this page under Related Documents labeled "Materials for First Meeting". Complete list of materials will be emailed to students.
Note: Elective for Art and the Creative Process professional certificate.
Contact: For more information about this course, please email

Course Number: ART-40002
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Art and the Creative Process

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