During the 2.5 day conference instructional leadership teams from K-12 schools and districts will partner together to synthesize and leverage the latest research and efforts on mindfulness, social networks, cognitive development, and student motivation to take student-centered teaching practices system wide. The overarching goal of this course is to strengthen and expand student-centered systems while practicing mindfulness; empowering leaders to be more grounded, connected, focused and authentic. Teams will be creating strategic plans for their system across the 2.5-day conference with a focus on the 4 tenets of students centered learning: 1) Learning is Personalized 2) Learning is Student Owned 3) Learning is Competency Based 4) Learning Happens Anytime & Anywhere. Teams will explore complex change and how it relates to their system and learn concrete strategies for building capacity and creating focus.
Course Number: EDUC-31674
Credit: 1.50 unit(s)
There are no sections of this course currently scheduled. Please contact the Education department at 858-534-9286 or unexeduc@ucsd.edu for information about when this course will be offered again.