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Recent advances in NextGen Sequencing technologies, especially Metagenomics Sequencing is enabling the qualitative and quantitative characterization of our diverse microbiome communities faster than ever.  Since the microbiome appears to be an ideal target for diagnostic and possibly targeted therapies, the development and optimization of novel tools for computational data analysis allows us to fill a major gap.  In addition to this, utilization of Metabolomics, Metatranscriptomics and Metaproteomics techniques for Microbiome analysis is enhancing our knowledge about its functional role and therefore its applications in clinical diagnostics and therapeutics. Join us for half a day workshop to learn about the progress in Microbiome Bioinformatics and its application for diagnosis, drug discovery and therapy. Talks will be followed by a panel discussion and net-working event.

8:00 am: Breakfast (Sponsored by Illumina)
8:30 am Microbiome and Human Health - An overview: Amitabh Gaur, Adjunct Professor, George Washington Medical School
9:00 am Global phylogeography and ancient evolution of the widespread human gut virus crassphage - Rob Edwards, Professor, San Diego State University
9:30 am Metabolomics of the microbiome: perspectives for application to clinical diagnostics - Ricardo Silva, Post-Doctoral Employee, University of California, San Diego 
10:00 am: Coffee Break 
10:15 am: Dissecting microbial communities and complex infectious diseases using Next Generation Sequencing - Amanda Young, Senior Manager,Scientific Research,  Illumina
10:45 am: Mining large-scale datasets for new insights: from Microbiome studies to Drug Discovery - Juan Ugalde, Director of Bioinformatics, uBiome, Inc. 
11:15 am: Bioinformatics challenges in Microbiome Studies- Yoshiki Vazquez-Baeza,Jr. Specialist, University of California, San Diego
12:00 pm: Translating microbiota research into clinical practice for liver diseases - Bernd Schnabl, Associate Professor, University of California, San Diego
12:30 pm: Panel discussion
1:15 pm: Networking Lunch

Course Number: WKSP-70042
Credit: 0.00 unit(s)