HEC-RAS Training in Hydraulic Modeling of Surface Water
As the industry standard for water surface profile computations, flooding analysis, and bridge/culvert hydraulic design, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) software package HEC-RAS (River Analysis System) is required in the private and public sectors for hydraulic modeling of surface flow and design of civil engineering structures.
The course will prepare engineers and water resource professionals to use HEC-RAS in real-world projects for hydraulic design and modeling of rivers, channels, flood control systems, roadway crossings, waterway bridges and FEMA floodplain analysis. Students will have the ability to perform hydraulic analyses, tabulation and graphical displays of input and output data and use multiple reporting options. Participation in hands-on computer workshops will provide valuable practical experience.
Taught by Dr. Stefanovic, a leading industry expert in Water Resources Engineering, who over the years has acquired an extensive experience in hydrologic, hydraulic, sediment transport, erosion, and floodplain modeling studies. As a recipient of the most prestigious Lorenz G. Straub Award for his Ph.D. thesis in hydraulic engineering, he has earned recognition at national and international levels.
Course Highlights:
- Theoretical basis of surface flow modeling
- Basic modeling principles for developing one-dimensional (1-D), steady-state hydraulic models
- HEC-RAS steady-flow (1-D) package components
- Water surface profile computations and result analyses
- Hydraulic design of waterway bridges and culverts in HEC-RAS
- Special features
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain
- Floodway analysis for FEMA flood insurance studies (FIS)
Course Benefits:
- Understand basic modeling principles of developing 1-D, steady-state hydraulic models for rivers, waterway bridges and culvert crossings
- Gain hands-on experience with HEC RAS
- Ability to optimize the effectiveness of flood control or drainage projects
- Obtain valuable insights in floodplain analysis and floodway optimization for FEMA flood insurance studies
- Taught by leading industry expert
Course Typically Offered: In-class every quarter
Prerequisites: Basic computer skills, experience with Microsoft Office including Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Knowledge of hydraulic principles of surface flow not required but beneficial
More information: Contact infotech@ucsd.edu to learn more about this course and other Engineering course offerings