The study of protein and chemical constituents present in blood and body fluids, their analytical methods of measurement, and correlation of clinical laboratory data with the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Rotations through automated and specialized labs include Chemistry, Special Chemistry, Urinalysis, Phlebotomy and Processing, Point of Care and Toxicology. Experience with a wide scope of sophisticated automated, semi-automated, and manual analytical processes are included, with a working emphasis on operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. Emphasis is also placed on definitions of pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical phases of testing.
- Demonstrate accurate and precise skills in performance of clinical chemistry tasks and procedures.
- Compare and contrast the theories and principles of automated and other analytical instruments and systems– maintenance, calibration, quality control, troubleshooting.
- Perform accurate calculations used in preparation for test assays, and for patient clinical results
- Recognize out of control results, abnormal and absurd patient results, instrument dysfunction or failure, and demonstrate appropriate corrective action in resolution of problems encountered.
- For Urinalysis; describe kidney function, perform and discuss correlation of the physical, chemical and microscopic findings in the urine with patient clinical conditions.
- For Phlebotomy and Processing; demonstrate proficiency in blood collection via venipuncture technique, list common types of blood collection tubes and purpose of each, recap sample stability and transportation considerations, perform routine processing of blood and other specimen collections.
Note: Not available for open enrollment at any time. Only available as part of the by-application closed-cohort CLS training program.
Course Number: PATH-40010
Credit: 10.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Clinical Laboratory Scientist Training
There are no sections of this course currently scheduled. Please contact the Healthcare & Behavioral Sciences department at 858-534-9262 or for information about when this course will be offered again.