Understand AVID/ACRS: This session focuses on understanding the roles and responsibilities of the District Director, AVID’s mission, and certification and data collection. The session also explores coaching for AVID implementation, WICOR, and AVID research-based resources. A panel presentation is included and supports the discussion, training, and resources in this session. The strand is a digital strand designed to support District Directors by blending WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading) with digital strategies which support district staff in preparing students with the skills they need to be college- and career-ready.
Course Number: EDUC-40302
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
There are no sections of this course currently scheduled. Please contact the Education department at 858-534-9286 or unexeduc@ucsd.edu for information about when this course will be offered again.