Effi Karakaidos

Effi Karakaidos teaches Digital Photography Workflow and Postcards from the City: Exploration with Artistic Photography for the Photography: Images and Techniques certificate program. Effi is an educator, visual artist and photographer specializing in digital photography, post-production, mixed media, installation, painting, and sculpture. She completed her MFA in Visual Art at Vermont College, and B.A. in Art at UCLA. Effi has taught at the Art Institutes (San Diego and Pittsburgh – Online Division) since 2004, taught at Platt College, served as graduate advisor at Miami International University and Artist Teacher for Vermont College.14 years higher education teaching and management
10 years K-12 teaching experience
Effi has exhibited extensively nationwide and internationally.
Venues include the Oceanside Museum of Art, Women's Museum of California, and multiple solo exhibitions at the Museum of the Living Artist (San Diego).
Awards include:
Jurors' Award: William D. Cannon Art Gallery Juried Biennial Exhibition
1st Prize: San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild Juried Exhibition