Robert Fox

Bob Fox is principal engineer of the SunSpec Alliance where he leads standards and software development for the company. An accomplished software developer with experience in data communication, middleware and “device ware,” Fox was senior software engineer at Fat Spaniel, a pioneering company in renewable energy monitoring, and at Power-One (now ABB), a leading solar inverter manufacturer.
Fox has written software to interface with virtually all of the major inverter brands. This experience drove him, as an employee of a SunSpec member company, to become a lead participant in the development of the initial SunSpec inverter control standard. He is also one of the first to implement working inverter control interface software based on the SunSpec specification. Since joining SunSpec, Bob has led the development of the SunSpec System Validation Platform (an advanced function inverter test lab automation system); new SunSpec information models for devices; test criteria for California Rule 21 communication requirements; Orange Button taxonomy and API; and the SunSpec Asset Performance Suite web service.