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Home /  Courses And Programs / Introduction to Web Programming

This course is designed to further students’ understanding of the principles of web design, including user experience and responsive design for viewing content on multiple devices. Emphasis will be placed on expanding HTML and CSS skills. Website projects will be introduced, challenging students to accommodate a variety of specific marketing-related requirements.

Note: This course is part of the Digital Arts Department's Professional Certificate in Graphic & Web Design and is only offered during the spring quarter. The full time, one year Professional Certificate in Graphic & Web Design offers comprehensive professional training in graphic design, Adobe software, user interface/user experience design, coding for the web, business development, and more. All students are required to formally apply and must be admitted to the program before taking courses. To learn more and apply, click here, attend a free information session, or email

Course Number: ART-40334
Credit: 4.50 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Graphic and Web Design