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Wireless Engineering

Specialized Certificate

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About the Wireless Engineering Program


Delivery Method
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  • Live Online
  • In-Person
  • Online
  • Hybrid
  • Number of courses: Four courses (1 required and 3 core)
  • Total units: 12

Signals and SystemsECE-40051

Units: 3.00


Signals and Systems is an introduction to analog and digital signal processing,a topic that forms an integral part of engineering systems in many diverse areas, including seismic data processing, comm...

Upcoming Start Dates:
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

One (1) course required. Total of three (3) units required.

Fundamentals of Digital Communication for Wireless SystemsEE-40034

Units: 3.00


This course will cover the fundamental principles of wireless digital communications.Participants will learn how to analyze the performance of digital modulation techniques such as quadrature amplitud...

Upcoming Start Dates:
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Select any of three (3) courses. Nine (9) units required.

Introduction to OFDM/OFDMA and 4G/5G SystemsEE-40163

Units: 3.00


This course covers the foundational principles OFDM/OFDMAand the underlying technologies of broadband wireless systems. It is intended for practicing engineers, researchers, and students. Wireless acc...

Upcoming Start Dates:
Typically Offered: Winter, Summer

Fundamentals of 5G NREE-40177

Units: 3.00


NEW Course - Fundamentals of 5G NR Current wireless cellular systems are projected to be replaced by a significantly faster and more versatile new generation of wireless technology 5G. In this new o...

Upcoming Start Dates:
Typically Offered: Winter, Summer

Qualcomm Technologies' 5G Associate CertificationEE-40201

Units: 3.00


The rise of 5G across the world is changing the way we communicate and operate both professionally and personally. 5G is transforming key industries including transportation, healthcare, education, ag...

Upcoming Start Dates:
Typically Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

DSP in Wireless CommunicationsECE-40283

Units: 3.00


Wireless networks have expanded beyond person-to-person communications,connecting not only users but also machines, devices, and objects. This course will describe the role of digital signal processin...

Upcoming Start Dates:
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Mixed Signal DesignECE-40244

Units: 3.00


Applying new skills to a variety of design applicationsis becoming increasingly critical for engineers. This holds true for industries including wireless communications, digital audio, digital telepho...

Upcoming Start Dates:
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

RF System Design for Wireless CommunicationsEE-40098

Units: 3.00


RF Signals are widely use in wireless communication, automation, and the rapidly emerging phenomenon of Internet of Things (Iot), making RF technology essential in any device. Engineers in this field ...

Upcoming Start Dates:
Typically Offered: Winter, Summer

Not required to earn this certificate.

SystemVerilog for Design & VerificationECE-40301

Units: 3.00


SystemVerilogis far more than Verilog with a ++ operator. A hands-on knowledge of this rich language is critical for chip design and verification engineers. This thorough course starts from the synthe...

Upcoming Start Dates:
Typically Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Programmable Logic ControllersECE-40302

Units: 3.00


Programmable Logic ControllersThis course covers the logic theory and application of programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The material focuses on the design and development of programming algorithms...

Upcoming Start Dates:
Typically Offered: Winter, Summer
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Demand and Job Prospects

  • Job titles for people with wireless engineering skills include: Computer Systems Engineers/Architects, Software Application Developers, Information Security Analysts, Network and Computer Systems Administrators, Computer User Support Specialists, Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Testers, Computer Network Support Specialists, Communication Specialist, System Technologists, and Information Technology Project Managers.
  • Industries include: Professional, Public Safety, Scientific, Technical Services. Information Technology, Health Care, Transit, and Education
  • Burning Glass Technologies report an average growth rate across these industries at 5.8% and projects a national change in employment (2016-2036) at an average of 15%
  • Top employers include: Intel, Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, Sprint, Cisco, Qualcomm, Ericsson, Karma Automotive, Amazon, Samsung, Motorola Solutions, Motorola Service Partner community, and World Wide Technologies
  • Burning Glass technologies reported an average salary in 2018 to be $94K

Who Will Benefit

  • Anyone who possess a BSEE
  • Candidates who do not have a BSEE but have equivalent knowledge and experience in the field of communications engineering
  • Product Managers
  • Students without these qualifications should enroll in the course Signals and Systems (ECE-40051) prior to beginning this program

Frequently Asked Questions

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Can this program be completed entirely online?

Yes! This program is designed for you to take it online in the convenience of your own home or office. We are currently using Canvas as our online Learning Management System for all our online courses in this program. While students do not get access to their respective courses until the first day of the course, we encourage students who are new to Canvas to click on the following link to Canvas and Take the free tour of Canvas.

How can I get more information about this program?

You will find a downloadable program flyer and program FAQs under "Related Documents" on the right side of the top of this page. If you need further information, please contact the program representative at 858-534-9152 or

How do I enroll in a course?

To enroll into a class, click on the class link in the matrix and that will take you to that class page. There you can find the start date for that course, and you can click on “Add to Cart” which will lead you to complete the registration/payment process.

How long is this program?

Students who choose to take one course per quarter for 5 consecutive quarters can complete the program in 15 months. You have up to five years to complete all requirements for the certificate.

If I already have the skills taught in one of the program courses, can I skip that course?

If you have taken a course from an accredited university covering the learning objectives of a program course, you may be able to transfer your previous coursework to Extension. If you have not taken a course elsewhere, but already have the skills covered in a course, you may be able to substitute an alternate Extension course in its place. Please contact the program representative via email at or (858) 534-9152 for more information.

Is this certificate open to non-California residents?

Yes, the program is open to non-California residents, including non-US residents. The tuition is the same for all students. If you have questions about how enrolling in courses may or may not affect your visa status, please contact our International Department at or (858) 534-6784.

Advisory Board

Gregory Dubney, Ph.D.

Sr. Engineer


Andreas Falkenberg, Ph.D.

Sr. Engineer

Ostendo Technology Group

Nancy Kemper

Technical Network Director


Laurence Milstein, Ph.D.


Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego

Young Yoon, Ph.D.

Senior Engineer


James Zeidler, Ph.D.


Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego

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This certificate requires an application before taking any courses. There will be a $0 fee to apply to this program. Students will also be required to pay a $95 certificate fee upon enrollment into the program after acceptance. View the complete Certificate Registration and Candidacy Guidelines.