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Project Management for Technical Communicators
6 weeks | Online

How can you keep your technical communication project on track when the goal is always changing? Let an experienced project manager teach you how to tame your wild project. Learn to do document needs analysis, productivity metrics, project estimation (cost and timeline), and progress tracking and reporting. Get hands-on practice on a course project (a cost and timeline estimate) you will create from a set of starting requirements. For your convenience, homework assignments will build toward the course project, and you can do the coursework online at any time of day.

Quarters Offered: Winter, Summer | Online
Prerequisite: None
Software: MS Word and Adobe Acrobat (Reader or Professional)
Note: Fulfills 2 units toward electives for the Technical Communication Certificate. Non-certificate students may take this class.
Contact: For more information about this course, please email




Course Number: BUSA-40667
Credit: 2.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Technical Communication