Parish D. Jefferson brings a prosperous career spanning over two decades, featuring leadership roles as a global account manager, program manager, and director within Fortune 500 companies. His extensive background encompasses diverse areas, including educational technology, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), product adoption, partner management, and team optimization. He has a proven track record of successfully launching and managing new programs, building high-performing teams, establishing and nurturing strategic partnerships, and fostering inclusive work environments. Parish is recognized as a leader in his field and frequently speaks at national conferences, university events, and online panels. Parish holds a diverse educational background, including a Bachelor of Science in Managerial Economics from the University of California, Davis, a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Michigan, and a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Texas. He is in his final year of completing his Ph.D. in Organizational Development and Leadership at the University of Arizona Global Campus, with a concentration in diversity and inclusion, where he is poised to bring cutting-edge insights and a wealth of experience to drive positive change and equity within the education and corporate community.