18 February 2016
Getting ready for the green jobs revolution
Increasingly businesses are seeing the value — both economically and environmentally — in going green. That, in turn, is growing demand for jobs in the emerging field of sustainability.
According to Wanted Analytics, a firm that tracks hiring data, sustainability jobs in the United States have more than doubled in the past four years. The U.S. Conference of Mayors recently released a Green Jobs Report that estimated that more than 4.2 million green jobs could be generated by 2038.
To address this demand, National University and University of California, San Diego Extension have joined forces to offer a flexible course of study in the growing field of sustainability management.
Through its newly formed partnership, UC San Diego Extension students who have completed Extension’s Sustainable Business Practices certificate can receive credits toward National University’s Master of Science in Sustainability Management. In addition, students enrolled in National University’s master’s program can apply some of their courses toward Extension’s certificate. Both the certificate and master’s program are available online, allowing students throughout the country to benefit from the partnership.
Dr. Michael R. Cunningham, president of National University and chancellor of the National University System, said the agreement provides new avenues for those interested in a career in sustainability.
“This partnership brings together the very best in quality and flexibility so that we can collectively meet a critical need in our society while supporting our regional economies and environmental resources,” Cunningham said.
Mary Walshok, dean at UC San Diego Extension, agreed, adding that collaboration would benefit not just students but also the larger regional economy.
“We know that we are stronger as a region when we collaborate with each other rather than compete with one another,” Walshok said. “This promises to accelerate the growth of a talent pool of people with both the skills and the depth of knowledge needed to ensure companies can be effective stewards of the environment.”
National University’s Sustainability Management M.S. program is tailored for those interested in working in fields such as sustainability management, environmental consulting, energy efficiency analysis and resource management. UC San Diego Extension’s Sustainable Business Practice certificate is designed to provide a foundational understanding of the business case for sustainability as well as build essential skills for measuring the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives.
To find out more about UC San Diego Extension’s Sustainable Business Practices certificate, visit extension.ucsd.edu/sustainable. To learn more about National University’s M.S. in Sustainability Management, visit nu.edu/sustainability.