CT: Advanced Monitoring and Management of Clinical Trials and Next Steps
This is a hands-on interactive live course, demystifies advanced site management and monitoring of clinical trials. Learn how to deal with difficult sites, problem solve and work with multiple priorities and projects, and identify and work with serious safety issues. Detecting fraudulent data is a strong focus, along with communication and time management exercises. Career opportunities in clinical research along with recommendations for drafting resumes and next steps will also be covered. Enroll in this course after completing all required courses plus 12 elective units, and be ready to start your career in clinical research.
Course Information
2.00 units
Final course in the certificate program. Prerequisite: Completion of "The Nuts and Bolts of Monitoring Clinical Trials I" (FPM-40187) or demonstrated current monitoring experience in conducting pre-study, initiation, routine monitoring, and study close-out visits. Elective for Professional Certificate in Clinical Trials Design and Management.