California Education Code, Section 44225(e) and Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 80499 allows a teacher to obtain an additional general education teaching credential without completing the full professional preparation program for that credential.
Qualified applicants (those who hold a valid basic general education teaching credential as defined in California Education Code, Section 44203[e][1]) may obtain an additional credential, either multiple subject or single subject, or add an additional single subject content area, when they complete the requirements listed
CL-621A provided by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Apply to the California Commission on Teaching Credentialing to download the added authorization application and submit the official transcript for the course you chose below and as well as your CSET score.
Fall 2013 will be the last time we will be offering the current methodology courses for teachers seeking to add a multiple or single subject credential to their existing credential(s).
The Education Department has posted an update under Program Information under “Regulation Changes.” We expect to develop revised methodology classes, but do not yet have a specific date that they will be available. You can contact us and we can refer you to a school that is currently offering methodology coursework for your added authorization.
We are now offering the required reading class to fulfill the “developing English language skills for beginning readers” requirement.
Beginning in Fall 2013, UCSD Diego Division of Extended Studies will begin offering courses to assist teachers with subject matter requirements (SMRs): subject-specific knowledge, skills, and abilities required of entry-level teachers seeking a teaching credential or authorization by taking the CSET. These courses, beginning with Biology will provide students with SMRs and practical advice on teaching the subjects to appropriate secondary audiences. Please visit the Education page regularly for updates.