At UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies, student success is the bottom line.

We’re doing everything in our power to reach this goal:

inspiring a love of science and technology in kids as young as middle school, helping aspiring doctors prepare for medical school, providing cutting-edge career coaching, applying innovative ways to finance an education. To ensure we stay on track, we monitor both student outcomes and our own institutional progress using polls, studies, and data analytics.

We Aim to be a Platform for Change

Great public research institutions like UC San Diego are the foundation for the breakthroughs and insight that fuel economic growth and community well-being. We respect our research heritage and aim to be a platform for change so that we can continue to evolve. We invite feedback and constructive criticism from our students, and are constantly updating our coursework based on our own and others’ research on market needs and emerging careers. We conduct market research on each of our own program offerings and our overall organizational effectiveness; we look at regional and national job posting data, sought-after skill sets, employment projections, and average salaries to create in-house insight reports.

Neither companies nor individuals can afford to invest time and resources in programs that don’t provide the necessary tools for success. We have a deep obligation to our community and partners to develop innovative programs and track their outcomes, and in that vein we’ve identified four high-demand programs—front-end development, java programming, digital marketing, and business intelligence analysis—for initial eligibility in our income-share agreement initiative, which we developed in collaboration with the San Diego Workforce Partnership. Income- share agreements allow students to pay a small portion of their income earned through future employment back to the school instead of taking out a loan. By making education more accessible and less cost-prohibitive, we are reiterating our commitment to fostering skill development, particularly to those in underserved communities. We will monitor the program’s interest and success rates, then evaluate whether to expand.

We Put Research Into Action

Extension honors its research roots, and anticipates future societal needs, by putting that research into action and developing cutting-edge educational programs delivered throughout the lifespan. Our five pre-college and two career pipeline programs are designed to ignite a passion for lifelong learning and impart the real-world skills necessary to thrive in a global economy. We work with community partners to bring a diversity to these programs that reflects that of our region, and measure both program growth and educational outcomes. The future looks bright for these young people—96 percent of Academic Connections students surveyed went on to a four-year university. Extension also adjusts programming and monitors success rates for our aspiring physicians participating in post-baccalaureate premedical programs, 94 percent of whom gain acceptance into medical school.


Student success by the numbers

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anim est laborum sed perspiciatis.

Middle and high school students
who have participated in
Library NExT's STEM courses


Overall student satisfaction
with Extension


Medical school acceptance rate
for post-baccalaureate
premedical students


Four-year university acceptance rate
for Academic Connections students

As the world continues to evolve, So do we.