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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Major Historical Trends Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change From Hawaii to Iraq

Speaker Ira Meislik
Major Historical Trends is a discussion group. We
meet every two weeks and delve into a period of
history guided by a quality book. This quarter, we’ll
use Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change
From Hawaii to Iraq by Stephen Kinzer. Kinzer is
an award-winning foreign correspondent who has
covered more than fifty countries.
This quarter’s selection examines America’s history
of participation in regime change from 1893 to 2003.
It covers 14 cases where the United States overthrew
foreign governments, including Hawaii, Cuba,
Iran and Iraq. Kinzer explores these interventions,
motivations, methods and consequences, revealing
a pattern of American foreign policy that often had
unintended adverse long-term effects.
There are no prerequisites to join this group’s
discussions other than a curiosity about history. Each
session this quarter will be led by a different member
of our group. The discussions will be fully interactive,
offering a unique opportunity to gain insights and
viewpoints from people of diverse backgrounds,
experiences and perspectives.
The book is readily obtainable online and is currently
available in paperback, hardcover and Kindle
versions. Look for Overthrow by Stephen Kinzer -
ISBN: 978-0-8050-8240-1 (paperback).

Speaker Bio

Facilitator: Ira Meislik, whose last class in
history, History of Western Civilization, taught by
Professor Eugene Dominic Genovese [check out
Wikipedia] in 1962, is living proof that you don’t
have to be an expert to love this group.
Meeting 1
Room 360 (in person and online) Download to Calendar
Meeting 2
Room 360 (in person and online) Download to Calendar
Meeting 3
Room 360 (in person and online) Download to Calendar
Meeting 4
Room 360 (in person and online) Download to Calendar
Meeting 5
Room 360 (in person and online) Download to Calendar